A Triumph in Brighton
Not quite London to Brighton but Milton Keynes to Brighton in our case, our cars (even our Vintage) are all far too young to take part in the London to Brighton veteran car run (pre 1905), however, we took our Triumph for a day out to watch the ‘old crocks’ and during the day we covered a total of 250 miles (this includes onward travel to visit our daughter) …… Not bad for a car that is 60 years old next year !
Of course we never doubted whether our Triumph was up to the task, though, we did doubt the weather! - The night before was torrential rain and the met office prediction was unsure for the following day, however, regardless of this we set off at 0730 in drizzling rain, to visit a fellow member of the Triumph Roadster Club who is fortunate enough to live on the London to Brighton veteran car run route. The sun came out so we had the top down for our onward travel to visit our daughter and kept it down all the way back up as far as the M25 - (not bad for November motoring).
We were amongst the action when a ‘steamer’ car stopped for water and another mere 111 year old vehicle (1897) broke its steering gear on a pot-hole.
I did of course take the camera so here is a small selection of photographs (you may spot our Triumph in the background).

This one is 111 years old !