Nice day for a White Wedding !
Or is it ....... Snow Glorious Snow.
Our chauffeur helps Rachel to the car in the snow
Snow and more snow
Whilst on this occasion the 4 wheel drive did not have to intervene at all, there was comfort for all to know that help was at hand should it have been required.
Harriet performed faultlessly and did not need any help at all - the thin wheels sink in to the snow which grip far better than a modern car.
Rachel and Lawrence were chauffeured without a problem ........ Ian did stop Harriet a couple of times during the journey, for clearance of snow from the flat front windscreen and to top up the Bride and Groom's Champagne (we did not need any ice for the Champagne today). In all, they had an enjoyable and memorable journey on their wedding day from Bletchley to Woburn Sands in our 82 year old car.
Ian (our chauffeur) and Lawrence (the Groom) clearly enjoying the snow
Rachel and Lawrence after the ceremony in Bletchley
Harriet's chauffeur ...... Ian, who as always, had the utmost faith in the car, even relaxed and made some snowballs as he watched over Harriet whilst the ceremony was underway.
Poor frozen 'Harriet'
Harriet is now safely back in her fully insulated, heated and dehumidified garage, it won't take long to dry her out and polish her back up to standard - A job for tomorrow, I will soon have her all ready for her next outing just after Christmas ......... more snow for the next wedding ? .........who knows, time will tell but at least we know that both Dorothy and Harriet are now fully snow-tested !
One thing we know for sure is that there is no control over the weather, what-ever it is ........ it is, so, our advice to all Bride's and Groom's is to always make the most of the special day, no matter what the weather brings ..... one small tip, put good weather at the top of the wedding wish list.
Sometimes, as today's weather has proved, bad weather can be great fun and make it a day to remember !
Now at Wedding-Car it is true to say that we enjoy our work, in fact, it is a requirement for our chauffeurs that they enjoy weddings and driving the vintage cars, however, today we had even more fun than usual :-)
Today was officially the snowiest wedding we have attended ever and today it was our White Vintage Citroen Harriet's turn to play in the snow.

We operate our cars (apart from the Triumph Roadster as this is an open top car) all year round, in order to allow this, the 3 vintage cars have an all important non 1920's accessory ........ a heater ! - So what happens when the weather gets really bad such as today's blizzard? well we study the weather radar like a hawk and if perceived necessary (as we did today) we discreetly escort the vintage vehicles with a modern 4 wheel drive ....... your wedding day is important, so we try where possible to plan for all eventualities.

Back to today, we started with some light snow with a forecast for moderate snow before we were due back, so the 4 wheel drive, shovel, rope and full survival kit were taken just-in-case.
Whilst on this occasion the 4 wheel drive did not have to intervene at all, there was comfort for all to know that help was at hand should it have been required.
Harriet performed faultlessly and did not need any help at all - the thin wheels sink in to the snow which grip far better than a modern car.
Rachel and Lawrence were chauffeured without a problem ........ Ian did stop Harriet a couple of times during the journey, for clearance of snow from the flat front windscreen and to top up the Bride and Groom's Champagne (we did not need any ice for the Champagne today). In all, they had an enjoyable and memorable journey on their wedding day from Bletchley to Woburn Sands in our 82 year old car.

Today's weather was testament to the capability of the cars - last year it was Dorothy our 1927 Vintage (see my blog dated Feb 2009) and so-far this winter it was our 1928 vintage Citroen Harriet's turn for a drive in extreme conditions.

Congratulations go to Rachel and Lawrence, we wish you both the very best for the future.
Harriet's chauffeur ...... Ian, who as always, had the utmost faith in the car, even relaxed and made some snowballs as he watched over Harriet whilst the ceremony was underway.

Harriet is now safely back in her fully insulated, heated and dehumidified garage, it won't take long to dry her out and polish her back up to standard - A job for tomorrow, I will soon have her all ready for her next outing just after Christmas ......... more snow for the next wedding ? .........who knows, time will tell but at least we know that both Dorothy and Harriet are now fully snow-tested !
One thing we know for sure is that there is no control over the weather, what-ever it is ........ it is, so, our advice to all Bride's and Groom's is to always make the most of the special day, no matter what the weather brings ..... one small tip, put good weather at the top of the wedding wish list.
Sometimes, as today's weather has proved, bad weather can be great fun and make it a day to remember !